Thursday, September 20, 2012

Atremis, By: Blake Lattimer and Worthley Burke

Blake Lattimer & Worthley Burke
This is an ancient  era style painting of Artemis on the hunt.
Artemis was the twin sister of Apollo.
Artemis is not only the goddess of the hunt,but ironically is also the protector of the wild animals(And is also the Goddess of contadiction).
She was known for being the protector because she regulated the population of wild animals, which kept them from starvation and plagues that would strike overpopulated herds. When she hunted her kills were quick and painless.


This animated picture of Artemis represents her link to the Moon.
The story was told that Leto, while pregnant with Atremis and Apollo, was continually on the run from the Goddess Hera. Leto gave birth first to Atremis, who after getting delivered assisted in the delivery of her twin Apollo. From this event Artemis became known as the goddess of childbirth.
This video appears to be a song or chant thats used by people who belive in Artemis as their religion.

Artemis, armed with bow and arrow, possesses the power to inflict plagues and death or to heal.

Birds that are related to Artemis are the Hawk,Guenia Fowl and Buzzards.
Her symbols are the cresent moon and Bow and Arrows.
Atremis does not seem to have a tree dedicated to her

A Poem for ARTEMIS

Lady Moon, grant me night vision.
Let me walk in your half-light
at ease with my unknowing.
Once I thought, if only, if only I had money,
if only I was admired, if only I was loved:
I would be content.
And failing this, I imagined if,
if I asked for nothing,
making gilt shrines to my gathered sufferings
I would be content.
Lady, Lady Moon, grant me this favor:
to know that contentment
is not always the highest good.
Tide pull me, stretch me, disturb me,
give me sweet and sour dreams,
in your mutable light, change me, change me
Keep me lean, skin sensing,
my heart far scanning the borderlands -
burn me clean and empty, Lady Moon.
Let me love best
your endarkened wildernesses
this waxing and waning
this ebbing silver knowing

this moving point of balance.
Lauren Raine 1999

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