Please use at least three Ch. 3 vocabulary words in your answer to the following prompt: what stories do you know that begin in medias res (in the middle of things)? Why do you think the author or director chose to break chronology and write the story that way?
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
by: Mia Bonner and Morgan Vicknair
The goddess Hestia
Over the cooking of bread and the family meals
She is the Greek goddess of the sacrificial fire or the
hearth (or the area in frount of the fire place.
Origin of Hestia:
She was the first of her siblings to be swallowed by her
father at birth. Although, out of all of her siblings, she was the last to be disgorged. She was named the
oldest and youngest of the six kronides. when both Apollon and Poseidon asked for her hand in marriage she refused. Instead she asked her brother, Zeus, to let her remain an eternal
virgin and Zeus accepted. She tended the hearth in Olympus and every hearth on
earth was her alter.
Poems or supplemental
writings with Hestia:
maiden pure,
Has no desire for love.
First and last born,
Her hand was
By Sea and Light.
Completely unwilling,
Stubborn even,
She refused to be
a matron,
Swearing on the head of the Father
To be maiden all her days.
was she, honor high,
A place in every home and temple
And the richest
both first and last.
Hail Hestia, Chief of the Goddesses
May you
warm my home
And make all who enter welcome.
Music that is associated with Hestia:
Turner Caldwell & Jack Schuette
Anthropomorphism- The connection of an attribute to a god
Epithet- Adjective expressing a quality characteristic of someone
Eponym- A person after whom something is named
Etiological tale- a story that explains the existence of some phenomenon
Myth- traditional story explaining early history of people or a phenomenon
Pantheon- All of the gods of a people
The song Blame it by Jamie Foxx ft. T-pain explains Dionysus because his way of life is a party using alcohol and living life to the fullest.
Dionysus is the son of Zeus and Semele. He is the only god to have a mortal parent. Zeus came to Semele in the night, invisible, felt only as a divine presence Semele was happy with being a lover of a god even though she couldn't tell which one.
They believed Dionysus was the god of fertility and wine. He was later seen as a patron of art. He invented wine and spread the art of tending grapes.
Dionysus's symbols are the bull, serpent, ivy, and wine. He is also shown sometimes riding leopards.
Many short poems about Dionysus are written.
Dionysus walks his vineyard, his beloved;
Two women in dark clothing - two vintagers - follow him.
Dionysus tells the two mournful guards - The vintagers:
"Take your sharp knife, my vintners, Grief and Torment;
Harvest, Grief and Torment, my beloved grapes!
Gather the blood of scarlet bunches, the tears of my golden clusters -
Take the victim of bliss to the whetstone of grief,
The purple of suffering to the whetstone of bliss;
Pour the fervent liquid of scarlet delights into my ardent Grail!"
by Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov
Atremis, By: Blake Lattimer and Worthley Burke
Blake Lattimer & Worthley Burke
The story was told that Leto, while pregnant with Atremis and Apollo, was continually on the run from the Goddess Hera. Leto gave birth first to Atremis, who after getting delivered assisted in the delivery of her twin Apollo. From this event Artemis became known as the goddess of childbirth.
This video appears to be a song or chant thats used by people who belive in Artemis as their religion.
This video appears to be a song or chant thats used by people who belive in Artemis as their religion.
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Artemis, armed with bow and arrow, possesses the power to inflict plagues and death or to heal. Birds that are related to Artemis are the Hawk,Guenia Fowl and Buzzards. Her symbols are the cresent moon and Bow and Arrows. Atremis does not seem to have a tree dedicated to her.
A Poem for ARTEMIS
Lady Moon, grant me night vision.
Let me walk in your half-light
at ease with my unknowing.
Once I thought, if only, if only I had money,
if only I was admired, if only I was loved: I would be content. And failing this, I imagined if,
if I asked for nothing,
making gilt shrines to my gathered sufferings I would be content.
Lady, Lady Moon, grant me this favor:
to know that contentment is not always the highest good.
Tide pull me, stretch me, disturb me,
give me sweet and sour dreams, in your mutable light, change me, change me
Keep me lean, skin sensing,
my heart far scanning the borderlands - burn me clean and empty, Lady Moon.
Let me love best
your endarkened wildernesses this waxing and waning this ebbing silver knowing this moving point of balance. |
Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera and the god of war. He was often despised by the gods for his cruel and merciless nature, and he was even disliked by his own father. He did, however, give in to the love of Aphrodite, his consort. Ares had no specific powers to speak of, though he was quite the warrior. His symbols were the spear and helmet, the dog, and the vulture. There is some music associated with Ares, namely the song "Ares" by Bloc Party embedded below, as well as some modern poetry.
Ares has appeared in multiple Marvel Comic strips, specifically Thor.
A painting of Ares and Aphrodite
A famous statue of Ares
This is a famous song by Bloc Party called "Ares".
Here is a poem by Herbert Asquith called "Ares God of War":
Ares God of War
UNDER the stars the armies lie asleep:
Between the lines a quiet river flows
Through brakes of honeysuckle, and of rose,
And fields where poppies droop in languor deep:
The night as with a mantle now enfolds
The muffled forms upon the pasture low;
The scent of thyme comes down across the wolds,
And on the roses of the dark hedgerow
The summer starlight falls in flakes of silver snow.
Here, from the wooded haunt of nymph and fawn,
The hidden guns peer forth across the hills,
Their wheels are on the trampled daffodils,
And so they wait the coming of the dawn.
In dappled shadows, where the fairy weaves
On grasses tall his web of sparkling lace,
The gunners lie, their heads upon the sheaves:
White falls the moon on many a sunburnt face,
That ere the day shall feel another God's embrace.
Among the barrows of the sunken plain,
Where sleep the soldiers of another day,
On misty meadow and on upland gray,
On many eyes, that close but once again,
The peaceful earth her benediction throws,
The waves of healing music from the streams,
That though the willows softly comes, and goes ;
And now the face of all the country seems
A mirror consecrated to an army's dreams.
From far away is borne a woman's pray'r
To Ares, restless in his iron crown :
'Sleep, Ares, Sleep ! For, once the dice are thrown,
Empires to thee are leaves upon the air !
Ere all the homes go smoking to the skies,
And men are swept upon the battle-blast,
Ere all the tears are wept from women's eyes,
O Queen of Love, hold now the Lover fast,
And let him taste eternal anodyne at last !'
But with the dawn there comes a soldier's song:
'When all the guns have fired their last salute,
And the tongues of all the world are mute,
And life is dearer than to right a wrong,
Then may he weary of his burnng wine,
And rest forever in the arms divine
Of Aphrodite passionate and pale-
But Hark ! He comes ! Hail, Ares ! Lord of Thunder, Hail !
'He rides above the ocean and the snow,
His trail is on the curtain of the skies :
Brighter than dawn, his young eternal eyes
Shine in the eyes of Valour far below :
Now Mammon hides beneath his trembling halls,
While Honour marches singing into war ;
On strange forgotten hearts a radiance falls,
As ever nearer, burning from afar,
The sword of Ares gleams above the morning star.'
'The other gods are weaker ; thou alone
Dost break the king and bend the emperor's knee:
Lower than unto Christ they bow to thee,
Lord of the slave, and guardian of the free,
Steel-hearted Ares, shaker of the throne ;
Young god of battle, restless lover, hail !
For, once a man has seen thine eyes aflame,
And mounted on the horses of the gale,
Death is a nothing, life an empty name:
Arise and lead us ere our blood be tame,
O lord of thunder, Arcs of the crimson mail !'
Athena: By Samantha Babine and Jeel Mehta
Orgin: In the popular stories of Athena, She is one of the oldest Deities in the Greek pantheon and one of their most beloved Goddesses. In the classical Greek story of Athena’s birth, She was born from Zeus’s head.
Reign: Athena's reign as patron was most prosperous for Athens because she encouraged agriculture and industry along with her inventions of the plow, the rake, the chariot, and navigation. She kept order by fortifying the city and protecting it from enemies.
Song : "Athena" is a song written by Pete Townshend and recorded by The Who. The writer promptly fell in love with a beautiful women, and his frustration of being rejected is contained in this song.
Symbols: Athena is most vividly symbolized by the snake. The snake symbolizes protection, rebirth. Armor and weapons are also Athena’s symbols, wearing a helmet and carrying a shield or spear. An owl sits on the goddess’s shoulder. The owl’s wisdom is needed to keep Athena’s strong power in check.
Grey-eyed one, I sing of you,
wisest and most beautiful, relentless Athena,
protector of cities, strong-armed and fair.
wisest and most beautiful, relentless Athena,
protector of cities, strong-armed and fair.
From his head the great god birthed you,
dressed in golden armor and bearing a sharp spear.
dressed in golden armor and bearing a sharp spear.
The holy mountains shook when you were born,
and the earth quaked, and the sea’s dark waves broke against the land.
and the earth quaked, and the sea’s dark waves broke against the land.
Even the sun stopped in astonishment at this sight,
this goddess, fresh-born and strong.
this goddess, fresh-born and strong.
Hail to you, Athena, may I never live without the shield of your Protection.
Anthropomorphism: the attribution of human form or behavior to deity, animal.
Epithet: any word or phrase applied to a person or thing to describe an actual or attributed quality
Eponym: A person from whom something, as a tribe, nation, or place
Etiological Tale: the study of causation, or origination
Myth: A traditional story
Pantheon: Greek Temple
by Sydney Krantz and Lily Fitzpatrick
cartoon image via Disney movie Hercules
Hades is featured in the Disney movie Hercules. This is a song that he sings in the musical movie.
"Land of the Dead" from Disney movie Hercules
Hades was originally one of the 6 olympians, however since he spent almost all of his time in the underworld, he was banished there, and became the ruler of the dead.
Hades is the God of the Underworld.
Hades' dog, Cerberus, is a symbol often associated with him. He has 3 heads and guards the underworld.
This is a poem by Robin Ouzman Hislop, entitled "Shades of Hades"
Do Shades of Hades
speak undead words,
through yet still fears,
through yet desires,
that to human ears
cannot be heard?
Only human blood
can freshen oracle lips
to speak live words
to human heart´s need,
where the undead sip.
& those who would
pursue those words
to the domain of the undead,
even as the shade fades
until no more
their blood is tasted,
know the place the undead
have waited,
know the place of nevermore.
Copyright Robin Ouzman Hislop 2003
All rights reserved.
speak undead words,
through yet still fears,
through yet desires,
that to human ears
cannot be heard?
Only human blood
can freshen oracle lips
to speak live words
to human heart´s need,
where the undead sip.
& those who would
pursue those words
to the domain of the undead,
even as the shade fades
until no more
their blood is tasted,
know the place the undead
have waited,
know the place of nevermore.
Copyright Robin Ouzman Hislop 2003
All rights reserved.
anthropomorphism: describing human form in a non-human thing
epithet: any word or phrase applied to a person or thing to describe an actual attributed quality
eponym: a person from whom something takes or is said to take its name from
etiological tale: a tale that explains a natural phenomenon
myth: a story passed down, that is big enough to look at for centuries
pantheon: a temple dedicated to the gods
She is the goddess of love and is known for her beauty. Unwillingly, she marries hephaeostus. Power: She upholds the power of seduction and love. She is able to disarm a man of her target so Eros, her son can shoot the victim with the arrow of love.

Origin: Aphrodite had formed from white sperm that had been released in the ocean from the genitals of Kronos' father that he had severed off by him. The sperm had mixed with the ocean and made aphrodite the gorgeous goddess. She was drifted off to shore by the winds on a scallop shell.
Symbol: The dove and swan. It represents the grace and beauty of Aphrodite.
A written piece of work aphrodite is mentioned in is the trojan war written by Olivia Coolidge. She is known for starting this huge war.
This song was written by Kylie Monigue. In the video she preforms it in the setting of ancient times. It has a theme of water for the sake of Aphrodite being formed from the white foam of the ocean.
QT and SR: Ares God of War
Q Tabarestani and Stuart Raty The Kinakid School
English 9-3 September 20, 2012
30 Second Myths: Ares
Throughout mythology, the infamous god or war, Ares, has appeared in many myths and contemporary adaptations. The origin of Ares dates back to the time of Zeus and Hera. Some stories portray him simply as the child of the two powerful gods while others illustrate the origin in many differnet ways. A few mythologists claim that jealous Hera got herself pregnant by touching a magical flower and giving birth to him. Her purpose was to become even with Zeus’s infidelity. Ares, one of the Twelve Olympians, ruled over war and phyisical violence. Many of the other gods were ambivalent towards him because he was dangerous towards man kind and usually was humiliated in myths that he appeared in. As a god, Ares had superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, reflexes, and immortality. In myths and wars, the javelin, a powerful type of spear, proved to be his favorite weapon of choice. In addition, many symbols are used to represent the mighty Ares but the most frequently associated with him are the spear, helmet, chariot, boar, and a ferocious dog. All around Greece, Ares was a image of war in Sparta and violence in other parts of Greece. His roman counterpart was Mars, god of war, who was worshipped by all to increase the strength of their army and fight away invaders. As time went on, many adaptation have been written to explain the origin of Ares or his attributes in battle such as the Marvel Comic Books. An example of an ancient mythographer’s story is the Battle of Troy within the Illiad and Odyssey written by the famous writer Homer. His relative myth about the Battle of Troy included an adaptation of Ares in battle and how he was defeated. An example of a widly known contemporary adapation is the Marvel Comic Book series which included a charcater representing Ares in the comics. He is shown to have incredible strength and power while having the same flaws as in the myths. Overall, the powerful Ares has made his way through the years as one of the most well known gods of Olympus and will remain on his throne much longer.
This helmet is portrayed as the head piece that Ares would wear into battles and wars
This is a cartoon representation of Ares from the Marvel Comic "Thor #129"
Myth Adaptation:
Contemporary Adaptation:
Athena-Jake Lipman
Athena: Goddess of Wisdom
Birth/Origin: Athena had one of the oddest godly births. Zeus, her father, laid with Metis. It was prophesied that Metis would bear children so powerful that they would be stronger than Zeus. When Zeus heard this, he swallowed Metis whole. Unfortunately for Zeus, he was too late, the child was conceived. Eventually Zeus had an enormous headache. So he got (depending on the story) Prometheus, Hephaestus, Hermes, or Ares to cut his forehead open with a double-headed Minoan Axe. Then Athena jumped out of his forehead fully clothed in battle gear. Athena's birth is a metaphor in many ways. Because Athena was born out of Zeus' forehead, she is the goddess of wisdom.
Athena in the Modern World: Athena's character as a wise goddess has found itself in many modern pieces of art. There are countless books based on Athena and her traits and gifts.
An Example:
Athena is also found in songs and plays. The most popular song is probably the Who's "Athena"
The Song:
Vocabulary Words:
Anthropomorphism: A representation of a deity
Epithet: A word applied to a person to describe an actual or attributed quality
Birth/Origin: Athena had one of the oddest godly births. Zeus, her father, laid with Metis. It was prophesied that Metis would bear children so powerful that they would be stronger than Zeus. When Zeus heard this, he swallowed Metis whole. Unfortunately for Zeus, he was too late, the child was conceived. Eventually Zeus had an enormous headache. So he got (depending on the story) Prometheus, Hephaestus, Hermes, or Ares to cut his forehead open with a double-headed Minoan Axe. Then Athena jumped out of his forehead fully clothed in battle gear. Athena's birth is a metaphor in many ways. Because Athena was born out of Zeus' forehead, she is the goddess of wisdom.
Reign/Symbols: Athena is the goddess of many things. What she is most known for is being the goddess of Wisdom. She is also the goddess of courage, inspiration, civilization, and many other attributes that have to do with being smart. Athena also has objects that represent her. She is normally associated with owls, olive trees, and snakes.
Athena in the Modern World: Athena's character as a wise goddess has found itself in many modern pieces of art. There are countless books based on Athena and her traits and gifts.
An Example:
Athena is also found in songs and plays. The most popular song is probably the Who's "Athena"
The Song:
Vocabulary Words:
Anthropomorphism: A representation of a deity
Epithet: A word applied to a person to describe an actual or attributed quality
Eponym: A word based on or derived from someone's name
Etiological Tale: Explains the origin of a custom
Myth: A legendary story, that has a hero or a heroic event in it, but there is no natural explanation for why it happened
Pantheon: A public building containing tombs or memorials
Athena: Goddess of War
Anthropomorphism- is a representation as of a deity
Epithet- a phrase that describes an actual quality
Eponym- a word deprived from a name
Etiological Tale- a story explaining a natural phenomenon
Myth- a legendary story usually with hero that explains nature
Pantheon- a domed circular Roman temple
The Origin of Athena
There is one story about Athena's origin. It says Athena came out of Zeus's head as a woman and dressed in full armor. Zeus
swallowed his wife, who at the time was pregnant with Athena. Shortly after, Zeus had a really bad headache, therefore Hephaestus split open Zeus's head.
Athena's Powers and Reigns
Athena is the Greek goddess of war,wisdom,arts and skills,true justice,protection (physically and physically), peace, and battle strategy. The main two powers that Athena rule over are Wisdom and War.
Anthropomorphism- is a representation as of a deity
Epithet- a phrase that describes an actual quality
Eponym- a word deprived from a name
Etiological Tale- a story explaining a natural phenomenon
Myth- a legendary story usually with hero that explains nature
Pantheon- a domed circular Roman temple
The Origin of Athena
There is one story about Athena's origin. It says Athena came out of Zeus's head as a woman and dressed in full armor. Zeus
swallowed his wife, who at the time was pregnant with Athena. Shortly after, Zeus had a really bad headache, therefore Hephaestus split open Zeus's head.
Athena's Powers and Reigns
Athena is the Greek goddess of war,wisdom,arts and skills,true justice,protection (physically and physically), peace, and battle strategy. The main two powers that Athena rule over are Wisdom and War.
Athena's Symbols
Athena's main symbols are the owl and the olive tree. The owl represents
wisdom because Athena is the goddess of wisdom. The olive tree
represents peace and goodwill. Another one of the many symbols she has
is the dove; it represents victory.
Writings about Athena
A myth called The Bath of Athena was written in the third century by Callimachus.
The myth is about how Teiresias see Athena nude and became blind; however he has augural sight.
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