Thursday, September 20, 2012

by Sydney Krantz and Lily Fitzpatrick

cartoon image via Disney movie Hercules

Hades is featured in the Disney movie Hercules. This is a song that he sings in the musical movie. 

"Land of the Dead" from Disney movie Hercules

Hades was originally one of the 6 olympians, however since he spent almost all of his time in the underworld, he was banished there, and became the ruler of the dead.

Hades is the God of the Underworld. 

Hades' dog, Cerberus, is a symbol often associated with him. He has 3 heads and guards the underworld.

This is a poem by Robin Ouzman Hislop, entitled "Shades of Hades" 

Do Shades of Hades
speak undead words,
through yet still fears,
through yet desires,
that to human ears
cannot be heard?

Only human blood
can freshen oracle lips
to speak live words
to human heart´s need,
where the undead sip.

& those who would
pursue those words
to the domain of the undead,
even as the shade fades
until no more
their blood is tasted,
know the place the undead
have waited,
know the place of nevermore.

Copyright Robin Ouzman Hislop 2003
All rights reserved. 

anthropomorphism: describing human form in a non-human thing
epithet: any word or phrase applied to a person or thing to describe an actual attributed quality
eponym: a person from whom something takes or is said to take its name from
etiological tale: a tale that explains a natural phenomenon
myth: a story passed down, that is big enough to look at for centuries
pantheon: a temple dedicated to the gods

1 comment:

  1. I had an absolutely great time listening to Hades sing 'The Land of the Dead", and by the last rendition of the chorus, I was singing along. It took me back to my early childhood. You guys did a great job, and you even managed to make homework fun. Kudos to you for that.
