Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Who are we?

In groups of two or three, come up with a class description for our blog and put it in a comment.


  1. We are slaves of technology. This blog is evidence!

  2. I think that we are a group of students who study literature and apply it to today's society. Also, we work on writing skills and incorporating interesting vocabulary into our everyday conversations (we want to be more like Zach!). Technology will one day take over the world! This is shown by us using a computer to share our ideas and thoughts with the other people.

    By Amy, Madison and Vidya

  3. We aren't just English students, we will take literature to the next level. We will provide well-thought out info about all the novels we will read throughout the year. This year, we will make English the best learning experience of all time, because we are the freaky, fresh, fanatical, flaming, fragile, fabulous, flabbergasting, not failing, Fergalicious Fleming English class of 2016.

  4. Blake, Colin: We are not non sequinturs! In a world torn by WW8 the Fleming English class is the only known survivors of the atrocities committed by newly formed alliance of China, Latvia, Estonia, and other random countries that might or might not exist and are really small and should just be made into one giant union.. Using our inability to talk we put down the last remains of the revolution. Surviving on only the remains of our roasted remains of the non sequinturs, Ms. (soon to be Mrs.) Fleming’s English Class has taken on the herculean task of surviving in an otherwise dead world.

  5. worthley, colby cheesey

    Today we learned an important member of our squad was taken out. We are 3rd period Flemming's English... and this is KINKAID. Our summer mission has been successful. Our imprisonment started three weeks ago, on the dreaded 'orientation day'. We are being forced together to delve into the deep chasms of literature, bonding as a squad and becoming who we are truly meant to be: great people...we start our journey with this journal of our intelligent discussions.

    1. You might want to try spelling "Fleming" correctly ;-)

  6. This English 1 course is extremely rigorous. It is directed towards teaching students how to think in a different and unique way. Everything counts! Students will come across many different types of literature. Writing everyday is a major component of this class because it helps the students understand today's society.. They will learn different styles of writing and how to be a better writer in general.

    --Samantha and Jeel

  7. We are foolish, naïve, young, inexperienced, quixotic, and idealistic. We are also honorable, intelligent, hard working, punctual, and excitable. We study The Odyssey, A Mid-Summer’s Night Dream, vocabulary, and some of the most notable myths in Western culture.
