Samantha Babine and Culver Stedman
Oberon shows many different character traits when he is present in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The main traits that Shakespeare indirectly shows in the play are jealousy, being sneaky, and bossy. All of the three main traits are shown in the dialogue are in mostly Act 2 Scene 1. For example, Oberon shows how he is jealous of Titania and her obsession with the little indian boy and also Titania’s “love [for] Theseus.” (2.1.78). Oberon’s ability to be sneaky is shown when “[Titania] is asleep and [Puck] drops [love in idleness] in her eyes.” (2.1.184-185). He is bossy when he constantly commands Puck to pour the liquid into the lovers eyes. His main objectives are for Titania to love him back instead of Theseus, to have the indian boy as his servant and to make Demetrius love Helena back. As we were reading in the book we noticed that Oberon speaks in Iambic Pentameter and Trochaic Tetrameter which shows that he was raised in a higher class.
Oberon is man that looks for attention. He wants everything to go his way and that is one of the main reasons that makes him extremely bossy. Every character portrays different characteristics that make them unique and we feel like Oberon is a man who has very similar character traits to some of the other characters in the book.
I agree with your opinions on Oberon. I think his main goal through out the book is to make everyone else feel the way he does. He becomes jealous easily and shows selfishness. Also, I agree that he is bossy towards Puck, but I think it is not cruel. Great job!
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome how y'all did different traits from another group that had Oberon as their main character. I agree that Oberon is jealous, sneaky, and bossy. Sneaky, is one that I haven't really thought about that characteristic. That's an interesting choice that is also very true. Good observation towards a slightly different choice of trait.
ReplyDeleteI think that the fact that you guys actually said since he speaks in Iambic Pentameter, then he was raised in a higher class was a good side fact to talk about. I think that, that sounds much better than just saying that he speaks in Iambic Pentameter.