The following paragraph is full of cliches. Re-write the paragraph to eliminate the cliche--remember specifics, the concrete, and the unexpected or strange are great weapons against cliche.
In this day and age, good teachers are few and far between. My deepest, darkest secret is my desire to be one of those teachers - one that is worth her weight in gold, who works her fingers to the bone, hand in hand with students to prepare them to meet the trials and tribulations of life.
In this day and age, good teachers are few and far between. My deepest, darkest secret is my desire to be one of those teachers - one that is worth her weight in gold, who works her fingers to the bone, hand in hand with students to prepare them to meet the trials and tribulations of life.
In this current spark of life, good teachers are harder to find than a snickers bar in whole foods. One thing that stays hidden in the back of the bus, is my desire to be one of those teachers - one that is the equilivant to Michael Jordan but in the world of teaching, who works until dolphins start eating sharks, combined with students to prep them to annihilate and own every subject that life makes them learn.
ReplyDeleteDuring this century, good teachers are as scarce as Kate Upton's nose hairs. My secret, only illuminated by a metaphorical angler fish, is my desire to be one of those teachers - one who is worth 200% of how much she can bench in $5 itunes cards, who works to the point of loosing her fingerprints, tied with ropes to her students to prepare them for the top selling RPG game known as "life".
ReplyDeleteWhen everything you need can be found on your iPhone, good teachers are diamonds in a mine. My shiny pebble I found last summer is my desire to be one of those teachers - one that is the sharpest ball in the bucket, who sometimes bathes in her student's tests rather than showering at home, along with students to prepare them to meet the SAT's of life.
ReplyDeleteIn an age where information is found most commonly via google, finding a good teacher is as rare as finding that perfectly crunchy half popped kernel of popcorn. If you swept out the dark dusty corners of my brain, you would reveal my desire to become a teacher of that sort- one that is worth her weight in sticky tac (the gold of the kindergarden class), one who works till a cold christmas in Australia, one that is a guide to her students like that of the scent of a grease soaked brown paper bag filled with philly cheese steak to a group of homeless men.
ReplyDeleteAs my fingers type the words to this sentence, good teachers are currently as hard to find as a fat guy in a triathlon. And I, I scream out at the top of my lungs, desiring, so badly, to be one of those rare teachers; however, I will never speak a word of my secret. I lock my mouth with a key and silently holler that I wish to actually teach something to my students. I want to sit next to my lamp until 11 grading papers. I want my students to learn from me and to fail in my class, and by doing so prepare my students for reality.
ReplyDeleteAs I slowly think about what to say for this blog post, I think about all the resources that are right at my fingertips. Social Media, Google, and all the other sites that help with any time of homework or assignment. Good teachers are very uncommon.. almost as uncommon as a dog with three legs. My special desire has been hidden like a national treasure deep within a cave. I have had this craving for sending out Valentine's day cards and placing them in the students neat and little boxes.. one by one. Making volcanoes explode, not their parents when they see their child's report card. Putting them through a test of life, and seeing which will fail and which will succeed.
ReplyDeleteIn this day and age where toffee splits and popcorn splats, good teachers are fewer and further between than finding a five leaf clover. My utmost fantasy is to be a teacher like that - one who makes bank but still cares, sweats through her socks, and throws her students out to sea like a 70 year old on a bike for the first time and hopes they dog paddle.
ReplyDeleteWhen your phone is more important then your grandmother's gold brooch, good teachers are harder to find then a computer that doesn’t say “made in China.” My hidden math test with a red F at the top is the dream of being the Empire State Building of teachers. One who tossed and turned, like a mom when her child leaves from collage the next day, making sure her lessons plans were the chocolate icing on the birthday cake. I would flash a set of white squares even when my students annoyed me as much as the shaking of a leg during a test. Finally a teacher who would never hit the sack until every student was the Empire State Building of students.
ReplyDeleteFinding a great teacher now is like trying to stick a broom through the open end of my grandmother’s sewing needle. The secret that I would only trust my high priest with is to be that feather-winged beetle to pull Endeavour through California - preparing ants to attack the banana that was just thrown out of the blue 2013 chevy passing by.
ReplyDeleteIn this day and age where cliches are just myths, teachers are as rare as a 15 year old without an Iphone. However, my deepest secret lies hidden like Steven at lunch. Striving to be a great teacher is an uphill hill battle with a 300 tons of kids pushing you down. Instead of wallowing in their failures, I want them to enjoy the big fat F- on there first in-class essay. I want them to feel the weight of intelligence even before they start living their lives. I want to grade till my supply of #2 pencils depletes like the number of Fs and Ds in the class. The value of a teacher cannot be measured in money or "thank you"s from the students. It is wether or not each and every one of them learn to make a new Facebook or save a dying man's life.
ReplyDeleteIn this snapshot of time, you're just as likely to find a good teacher as you are to see a panda parading down your street. Something I've locked in the back corner of the broom closet is my tenacious urge to be one of these rare treasures-one that keeps you from watching the clock in class, who works until her knees give out, in unity with her little ducklings to prepare them to fly.
ReplyDeleteAs every means of technology is now being replaced by IPhones, teachers are rarer than a mutt in Westminster Dog Show. I have recovered, from my time capsule, my desire to become one more mutt in the world-one that is able to create a passion in every kid's heart, who works until texting and driving is no longer an issue, cooperating with students until they are ready to reach their full potentials in their future maze that is life.
ReplyDeleteIn today's time, good teachers are more difficult to find than splitting a wish bone straight down the center. My deepest and darkest secret is to be one of those teachers who eat only one piece of Carmel Ghirardelli squares. One that shines like a precious ruby, never stops to look at the clock, and feeds her creatures peppermints of the mind so they will plunge into man made lake we call college.
ReplyDeleteThese days, finding a good teacher is harder than getting a 63' corvette. My aspiration is to be that tax rebate that buys you a new TV, the one who does in fact know the mass of the sun and the proof of impossibility, guiding students to prepare them to look out for the potholes in the road that we call life.
ReplyDeleteGood teachers these days are harder to find than a talking flamingo. My secret is to be one of those flamingos-one who reads the entire terms of agreement on any contract, one that would fall on a knife for her job, I want to work along side my students to show them that it's not okay to end up like Jim from Westheimer and Voss.
ReplyDeleteIn this fast paced technological era, a good teacher is harder to find than someone who owns an original iPhone. I have an unbearable yearning to be one of those teachers - one that is more valuable to the student than the material, who works like she has eight mouths to feed, and who advises students onto the right path through their roller coaster futures.
ReplyDeleteNowadays, when the only thing kids think about when in class is how long it will take to get out of class, teachers who actually care about their students, are almost extinct. You never heard me say this, but I actually really want to be that teacher whose students look up to and request year after year, who will come to school baggy-eyed every single day if she must so that her 43 students get the most out of her 45 minute class, and who will leave her empty classroom on May 29th knowing that she not only taught her students every piece of knowledge she had, but also that each student will be more prepared for the next hurdle they will have to jump over, because they took her class.
ReplyDeleteNo a days finding a well rounded teacher who does not force an eagle to fly with an elephant tied to their ankles, is like having the assignment to search for a lost penny on the worn down floor full of splattered beer and sprite at Luke Bryan's performance with a chanting crowd stomping along with the song "I know your gonna be there."; nearly impossible, but possible. I Hold the darkest desire of being one of those teachers like the sickening desire that retreats within her every time she responds "yes" reluctantly, but surely to prove to an ignorant person who naggingly questions if she is over him, when really she is holding back the nearly intoxicated caged Mocking bird inside her pumping heart that is eager to sing, but cannot. One that is like a bargain deal at J Crew, who would have the drive to unbury a decaying body covered in mold, only found in the Glenwood Cemetery and her nightmare, in order to obtain the last ingredient for her student's success. As if born a siamese twin, her half prepares the other for the complicated surgery for survival even though it means her life.
ReplyDeleteGood teachers are as rare as Rainbow Trout in the Sahara Desert. The thing I want so badly that I would count to 10 million and back to achieve it, is to be one of those amazing teachers - one that is so fantastic that she can make her student jump and sing and twirl and grovel at my feet; one who works so hard that all she wants to do is take a bubble bath, but she doesn't have time. One that works so closely with her students that I know what perfume they wear, all in order to prepare them for the jerks, scumbags and messy parts of the crazy life that they are about to face.
ReplyDeleteAs the human species has evolved we have reached a point in, which discovering good teachers are like blindly reading the Odyssey. My heart always starts racing against each beat before as if I am about to explode like Sam diving into his super sized double cheeseburger with dripping mustard and meat grease hanging off the edge. I strive to be just as popular as the Hunger Games, like Katniss winning sponsors in the vigorous game. A novel that is like a woman who stands up tall and wears pearls, a girl who finds their back to their earring in a grass field, and works with her students as a dog sticks with the same bone till he is finished.
ReplyDeleteIn this current time period (April 16th, 2013, 8:52 P.M.) talented educators are on the decline in numbers.I crave desperately to become one of those who are privileged to be the educators of America- an educator who would be capable of calculating her skill set and then translating that in to some sort of measurement of capital endowment, who bloodies and bludgeons herself at her place of employment for the sheer joy of spreading knowledge, and who translates the irrelevant facts of life, such as the Prussian incursion of 1864, in to a relevant fact that in will in some way help and prepare her pupils for their rapidly advancing life, so they may one day have the opportunity to follow a skill set of their choice, such as teaching.
ReplyDeleteAs the golden crust bread heats in the furnace, good teachers are as many as the letters left in my alphabet soup. The sock I have stuffed down my shoe is my desire to be one of those letters floating around in the tomato brew. The Elmer's glue that tacks the tissue paper on your piece of artwork, or dishwashing soap scrubbing down the last drop of grease, giving knowledge to the brain you will need when bar-lacing your black high-tops.
ReplyDeleteDuring this era, teachers are rarer than a hole-in-one. To be honest, I want to get than hole-in-one, I want to be a teacher. I want to be an educator that can win as many majors as Tiger, and one that practices till his fingers fall off. I want to be a teacher that teaches my pupils how to hit hole-in-ones too.
ReplyDeleteIn this age, where technology dominates, the distances between the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans is equal to the abundance of devilish, rotten egged teachers. Hidden from the world, under the sepal of a drying lotus, is my thirsty, blood-driven desire to be a marble idol of a teacher-who weaves quilts out of a mere single yard of yarn, a quilt that nourishes the brain of it's owner, one which will have an affect for at least 2.5 generations.
ReplyDeleteDuring this reign of iphones and saggy pants, good teachers are about as common as a horned toad with a pink bow on its head. That one tidbit of info that hides in that mental box labeled 'classified' is my desire to be one of those teachers - one who would be picked over the gold plated watch I saw in the mall last week, who endlessly writes little red corrections to the point of tears, guiding the little creatures along with a leash, and showing them how to punch life in the face when it gives sour lemons
ReplyDeleteIn the year 2013, good teachers are the tarnished sterling silver spoons spotted inside Queen Elizabeth's kitchen drawer. Behind the scenes of how much effort it actually took me to create sunscreen flavored gum, I want everybody to chew it, all day, and everyday. Genius- sunscreen flavored gum. Just to make sure Patty's brother doesn't develop anymore C-shaped moles that turn into O-shaped moles. Once I followed Larry, Patty's brother, to the Port Aransas beach with a hot dog and sunscreen flavored gum. Larry completely refused to chew my delightful gum, so, I had to shove my grimy fist down his pencil-shaped throat, no more C to U shaped moles for Larry.
ReplyDeleteIn the era of Gangnam syle and the Harlem Shake, finding a good teacher is like finding someone who uses a Razor flip phone. If you put me on the stove I will crackle and admit I want to be one of those great teachers. I want to be valued like the guy who finally killed Jaws. I will work harder then a horny guy wanting some action. I will guide them like a fat kid following a trail of M&M's.
ReplyDeleteIt is difficult to find teachers which do their job well. I strive to be one of those teachers that does; I want to be known as someone who doesn't scream on roller coaster rides, who would breathe the coal dust in a mine if need be, who would inspire students to take the extra step of the ledge. I want to be the bungie cord that brings them back up when they fall.
ReplyDeleteAs long as I can still hear the clock tick to the next number, inspiring and helpful teacher's are redwood trees in the Sahara Desert. What I write in my old weathered diary hidden in the locked cedar drawer of my bedside table is my hope that one day I could be that redwood, my roots growing down and about, digging through the dry sand to find the last drops of water, guiding my branches toward the sun and into the sky, glowing green in the barren desert, too big to be cut down by the primitive cutting tools possesed by the desert people.
ReplyDeleteIn the mind blowing world we live in today, teachers who care for there students and actually teach their students for life except for some exam are hard to come upon these days. I want to become a teacher, but i don't want to be like those other teachers, I want to be my own great teacher to teach the kids. I want to be a teacher that deserves to be called a teacher. A teacher that will stay up late at night with coffee and the next day's lesson, just to make it perfect for the students. I will have the students ready to leave school and fill out their application and stat their real world experience.
ReplyDeleteIn this chapter of our book, the teachers are like sources they’re few and the ones that are .org are even fewer. The .com army is rising and they have taken the Wikipedia lands- I must join the. org’s and their conquest of giving knowledgeable facts- I’d be a with a reachable about page, I’d also have a welcoming contact page with my email linked to my phone, I’d receive pop-ups and reply to them quicker than they could think about hitting the yahoo tab and moving into the failure that encloses them.